Thursday, March 26, 2020

AP Chemistry Unit 1 - Preparing For Your AP Chemistry Test

AP Chemistry Unit 1 - Preparing For Your AP Chemistry TestThere are a number of steps required to achieve success in the AP Chemistry Unit 1. Each step is very important and if you skip any one, you will not be able to accomplish the task well. However, it would be best to pay attention to these important steps and complete them at least once.The first step is studying for the AP Chemistry Unit 1. You should also find time to do some homework to help you learn what is required of you. It is very essential to learn what you need to know from the internet. I will list out some of the most useful websites on AP Chemistry Unit 1.These sites have the proper kind of content that will help you go through the textbook. Each site has instructions on how to use the text book, how to go through the classes and how to assess your test scores.The next step is to find a good class time. That can be done by doing a research on the appropriate time for you. Make sure that the class time allows you t o meet with your friends. There are also other ways that you can make it easier for yourself.A certain situation may require you to have to go to a particular place and take a test or two. You have to keep in mind that you need to do well on your AP Chemistry Unit 1. You should not slack off and study at home, you should take your time to do your homework.In order to see results on your AP Chemistry Unit 1, you need to do well. So, you need to do your best every day in order to get the required score on the AP Chemistry Test.If you want great academic results from AP Chemistry Test, then you need to do well. Follow these simple steps and make it easy for yourself.

Friday, March 6, 2020

7 Singing Experts Share Their Best Music Biz Advice

7 Singing Experts Share Their Best Music Biz Advice Suzy S. Here at TakeLessons, were passionate about helping students achieve their dreams, reach their potential, and receive the guidance they need from professionals ready to pass on valuable singing tips, knowledge, and encouragement. We talk about our singing teachers a lot, and have even featured many of them here on the blog. But we also know theres a lot of advice worth noting in other corners of the web. So we scoured the Internet, searching for other professionals, vocal coaches, and performers who could provide their own two cents namely, what does it take to make it in the music industry? For those singers who aspire to be in the studio, on stage, or breaking records, what does it really take to get there? What one piece of advice would you give to someone who wants to be a professional singer? Heres the advice we rounded up. Sign up for Toms  Broadway VoiceBox program here! Download Wades eBook, The $150,000 Music Degree  here! Download Cheryls eBook, In The Key of Success,  here! (Note: Shes actually one of our teachers, too!) Readers, what do you think? What are the best singing tips youve ever received about breaking into the music industry? Let us know in the comments section below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Maurice

What It Means To Become A Heart Math Tutoring Volunteer

What It Means To Become A Heart Math Tutoring Volunteer What It Means To Become A Heart Math Tutoring Volunteer What It Means To Become A Heart Math Tutoring Volunteer September 15, 2015 Heart Math Tutoring volunteers commit to weekly tutoring sessions that last either 30 minutes or one hour and can team up with friends, family and colleagues to be “partner tutors.” A Heart staff person is on site at all times to make sure tutors have what they need. “We tell our volunteers that 50 percent of your job is to deliver the curriculum and then other 50 percent is to be a positive influence,” says Emily Elliott, Heart’s Executive Director. Watch this 90-second video to learn more about becoming a #VolutneerWithHeart for elementary students in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Click here to become a volunteer.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Have We Done Present Perfect and Climate Change

What Have We Done Present Perfect and Climate Change You have probably heard about Before the Flood, a documentary starring Leonardo DiCaprio, UN Messenger of Peace (and Titanics handsome king of the world).  If you havent watched it yet, I highly recommend streaming  the film for free here  on youtube.I dont know about you, but I left the film feeling a bit depressed about how much humans have already destroyed the planet.  A friend asked me if theres at least a hopeful message at the end, and my answer was yes and no.  The hopeful part  was that many countries finally got together and signed the Paris Climate Agreement.  This means that these countries must lower their carbon emissions.  The depressing part?  Many people say its not enough, and temperatures could still rise above the goal and create catastrophic damages.  Heres a helpful article if youre interested in learning more about the agreement.So, lets put  our own positive spin on this horrifying situation, and use it to practice the present perfect tense!Structure:   have/has + past participleUses:An action that began in the past but still continues.An action that happened in the indefinite past (no particular date) and is important to the current situationAn action that happened in the past but the time is not mentioned.Listening practice:  Now, listen to Leos speech, and fill in the blanks with the present perfect tense.  Write your answers in the comments section below.As a UN Messenger of Peace, I ____ ________  all over the world for the last two years documenting how this crisis is changing the natural balance of our planetI ____ ____  cities like Beijing choked by industrial pollution.Ancient Boreal forests in Canada that ____ ____  clear cut and rainforests in Indonesia that ____ ____  incinerated.In India, I met farmers whose crops ____ ____ literally ______  away by historic flooding.In America, I ____ _________  unprecedented droughts in California and sea level rise flooding the streets of Miami.All that I ____ ____  and _______  on my  journey ___  absolutely _________  me.It ___ ______  a runaway freight train bringing with it an impending disaster for all living things.Writing practice:  We always love to hear your thoughts and opinions about these topics!  Answer the following questions using present perfect tense in the comments section below.Have you seen this film?  What did you think of it?What have you done to help the climate?What have you done to hurt the climate?Have you seen evidence of climate change in your hometown?Sign up for a class today to discuss current events like this one with a native speaker!

Why You Should Get a Test Prep Tutor Over the Summer

Why You Should Get a Test Prep Tutor Over the Summer Why You Should Get a Test Prep Tutor Over the Summer Summer is the perfect opportunity just to kick back, relax, and enjoy some time away from the classroom. However, students entering their college prep years may want to think about spending some of that time working on SAT or ACT prep with a private tutor. It can be overly complicated to worry about college visits and applications, test prep, advanced placement classes and so on during the school year so why not get some of that out of the way in July and August. There are lots of different ways students can work on test prep but working with a private tutor allows them to focus in on the issues they have and only the issues they have so they dont spend time reviewing subjects they already know. 1. Less time more concentration Students who work with a private test prep tutor over the summer will find that they don’t need as many hours to reach their goals are if they were in a larger classroom environment. The advantage of having a one-on-one tutor is that the tutor can assess the student’s personal needs based on a practice test and their college goals. Once this is completed the student and tutor can work together to improve the areas they have a weakness in and simply review all other areas. This can save a lot of time and frustration and allow the student to enjoy the majority of their summer (READ: 5 Awesome SAT Apps). 2. The comfort of your own home The nice thing about having a private tutor is that they can work with a student in the privacy and comfort of the student’s home. This can allow students to enjoy a summer fun schedule while fitting in test prep sessions. Theres no reason why students shouldnt be able to participate in summer sports, family field trips, vacations and so on while still working on their college goals.   Additionally, many students feel more comfortable building a rapport with a tutor who can answer questions privately instead of in front of a class. 3. Focusing on one thing at a time Preparing for advanced placement classes and general academic obligations can become extremely stressful. Working with a private test prep tutor over the summer can help reduce the amount of responsibility the student has during the school year. During the summer, students can focus on one thing at a time starting with a basic assessment and then moving on to math, English, and essays. This provides a lower pressure environment that can help high school students succeed while keeping mental stress as low as possible. 4. Working towards college admissions Working with a private test prep tutor over the summer can help students work towards their college admissions goals. A student who wait until the last minute often finds that there were one or two crucial things they forgot about. When this happens, they may end up not being able to apply to their dream colleges or may find they spend their senior year scrambling to get everything done on time. When students start early, they have a chance to work towards college admissions and improve their ACT and SAT scores, so they have a great chance when they send out their applications (READ: Switching schools? 5 Things to do this summer). 5. Extra time and multiple opportunities Working with a private tutor over the summer also allows students to have extra time to study for the test and gives them multiple opportunities to take it. If students start the summer before their junior year, they will be able to take the real test in the fall and see how they do. If they have not quite reached the score, they want they still have several months to improve. Students who leave extra time to work on test prep tend to have more realistic goals and are more likely to reach them. Its never too early to start prepping for a major test. From the SAT to the ACT, TutorNerds offers summer test prep tutoring for all major tests. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

The 8 Best Low-risk, High-reward Languages for International Business

The 8 Best Low-risk, High-reward Languages for International Business The 8 Best Low-risk, High-reward Languages for International Business The business world is becoming a tougher place every day for monolinguals.The most successful CEOs of the 21st century are presenting business plans in Mandarin and dialing into conference calls in French.Nowadays business is global. Investors in South Korea and Egypt are funding startups in Chile and the Netherlands, who work with contractors in Kenya  and the Philippines and sell to clients in Turkey and Bahrain.Languages like English, Mandarin, Russian and Japanese have dominated global commerce as long as anyone alive today can remember, and while those are four of todays business power tongues, that may not be the case tomorrow.Like everything else in the modern world, the linguistic landscape is changing, and which languages are sitting on the biggest pots of gold  are changing with it. So when preparing to invest in  your financial future with a new language, forget about the typical top 10 lists, the languages with the most speakers or those of todays strongest economies.Inst ead, youve got to think about your investments future: What are the  fastest-growing languages, and  whats the language of choice for the up-and-coming power players of tomorrows big economies? What are the best languages for business in the modern, globalized world of today and tomorrow?Its hard to say which is  the best, but here are eight languages showing the kind of consistently strong performance  that makes a  low-risk, high-return investment for any entrepreneurial language learner. The 8 Best Low-risk, High-reward Languages for International Business1. Portuguese: Doing business across four continentsOnly about 4% of worlds Portuguese speakers are in the languages namesake country; the rest are scattered across some of todays  fastest growing populations and economies.The Lusophone (Portuguese-speaking) giant we all know and love is of course Brazil. The country that put the B in the BRICS countriesâ€"the four other countries plus Brazil that together make up the biggest, baddest, boomingest economiesâ€"is  spending countless  reais to influence the world and the way it does business.Under Brazils economic influence, Portuguese is likely to compete with or even displace  English as the most important foreign language in South  America. Its the revving engine of the MERCOSUR trade bloc, whose combined GDP of $4 trillion US  dollars makes it a player of global proportions.But dont be distracted by the headliner: Portuguese-speaking Angola is an oil-rich African nation thats rapidly developing and Macau, Hong Kongs often overlooked sister special administrative region of China which is also a former Portuguese colony, is the fastest-growing economy in the entire world.From Brasilia and São Paulo to Lisbon, Luanda, Goa and Macau, Portuguese has spread itself across established power centers and up-and-comers both, making it one of todays smartest long-term investments for language learners.2. Cantonese: Money talks in Southeast AsiaSpeaking of Macaus n eighbor across the bay, Hong Kong is one of the four East Asian Tigers  that dominate the economics of the East. Like its neighbor and fellow Tiger  Singapore, the de facto language of daily life is Cantonese rather than the Mainlands favored Mandarin.In Hong Kong, Singapore and other key financial centers in southern China like Guangzhou, Cantonese is the language of choice. 60  million  people throughout Southeast Asia and southern China are taking care of business in Cantonese, which spells opportunity for business-savvy language learners.Whats more, Cantonese has spread across most of the world in a unique way. Most Chinese emigrants to Western countries in the 20th century came from the Cantonese-speaking Guangdong area, resulting in Cantonese rather than Mandarin becoming the lingua franca of Chinatowns from Vancouver to London and most places in between.Add to that the fact that the large  Chinese enclaves in Vietnam, Malaysia and other pockets of Southeast Asia are also prim arily Cantonese-speaking, and youve got a formidable linguistic tool for doing business throughout the world.3. Urdu: The language of emerging marketsChina normally steals the spotlight in  The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, but just to the south the Indian subcontinent and its 1.5 billion inhabitants are shaking up the system.By 2030, India is projected to be the worlds largest country by population, and neighboring Pakistan will hold the number six spot, combining to total  a whopping population of 1.75 billion just 15  years down the road.English fluency is high in this part of the world, but never underestimate the impact of learning the local language. Pakistan and most of its 200 million inhabitants speak Urdu, the national language, which spills over into the homes and businesses of 50 million more people in India. With nearly 5% growth per year, Pakistan is designated one of the Next Eleven  economies which promise bountiful business opportunity in the near fut ure.Even better, Urdu is  mutually intelligible with Hindi, and linguists often consider the two to be dialects of one language called Hindustani. Estimates of the total number of Hindustani speakers  range from 400 to 500 million, making it by any count one of the worlds largest languages.With Karachis $78 billion market looking to invest in its  workforce and technology, its easy to see why Urdus stock is soaring.4. Spanish: Anything but business as usual in Latin AmericaTwo of todays  G20 major  economies, Argentina and Mexico, are Spanish-speaking. These Latin American powerhouses  are well-established global forces, but they no longer tell the entire story of how business is done in Latin America.Inconspicuous economies like Chile, Peru and Colombia are quietly pushing forward through initiatives like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and successful measures to reduce corruption and violence in their countries. These growth-leaders will almost certainly bring unprecedented cash flo ws not only into their own borders, but also  to their neighbors through trade unions like MERCOSUR and the Andean Community of Nations.The other Spanish-speaking G20 country that is too often overlooked  on a list like this, the country with the #2 hispanohablante population in the world, is the United States. English is the first language that comes to mind when the USA is named, but its 50 million Spanish speakers and their small and large businesses might kindly remind you that its not the only language spoken in the country.If youre one of the 90 million learners worldwide whos already picked up some Spanish, try brushing up on your business Spanish  to stay on the cutting edge of the business world.5. German: The language of European industrial mightYoud be hard-pressed to overestimate Germanys economic impact on the affairs of the European Union.Europes largest economy is also the fifth largest in the world: 80 million industrious Germans make up one percent of global populat ion, yet they generate an astounding 4.5% of global GDP.By Jonas Henriksson (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia CommonsThis and the fact that Frankfurt is home to the European Central Bank is a sure sign that German for business will only continue to grow in importance in the business world.But, as with many of the other languages on this list, its not just the country that gives the language its name that holds the brightest business prospects. German-speaking Austria is another dynamic European economy, and Swiss banks still save and spend  their dollars and francs in Deutsch.To language learners, German might  at times  sound  like an angry chest cold, but to the business leaders and deal closers of Europe, it sounds like money.6. Arabic: The webs fastest-growing languageIf you turn on the news today, you might make the mistake of associating Arabic with conflict and violence. Youd only be seeing a small sliver of whats going o n in the homes, offices and bank accounts of the worlds  nearly 300 million Arabic speakers. Instead, take a glance at Twitter or the latest global financial  news and youll find a different story.Ever since social media catalyzed democratic revolutions in the Arab Spring starting in 2010, Arabic has been the fastest-growing language on the worldwide web. To be exact, online use of Arabic has grown by 2500% in the last ten years, compared to 743% for Spanish and 281% for English.A quick investigation will show you why. In the United Arab Emirates, multi-billion dollar oil deals are arranged in Arabic. In Cairo, its the language of one of the worlds most massive film and television industries. In Doha, stock traders shout to buy or sell in Arabic in the Qatar Stock Exchange. In Beirut, its the language used to advertise the chic high-end fashion of the Middle East.And heres the real news: As of 2013, only about a third of the worlds 300 million Arabic speakers were online. That means theres plenty more room to grow, which should scream opportunity to language learners with an interest in the Middle East.7. Mandarin: The language thats dying to spend its moneyAh yes, theres the Chinese language you thought youd find  on this list.Its the one that you just cant miss when talking about the best languages for business, the duh candidate with its billion plus speakers and largest purchasing power in the world. In fact, we  cant think of a single reason a budding entrepreneur shouldnt learn Mandarin (its really not as hard as they say).The reason this language will only continue to become even more important is because of the nearly mythical economic shift taking place in China. In about 30  years, the country went from one of the poorest countries in the world to its largest middle class. And one of the key factors of any consumer segment labeled middle class is its disposable income. The newly wealthy  are adding to their numbers daily in China, and all those yuan are burning holes in their pockets.8. English: The language of globalizationAnd finally, the other unavoidable giant: English.Its the official language of 67 countries and 27 territories, as well as all of the most important global institutions like the UN, the European Union, NATO and the OECD. With over 350 million native speakers and a mind-blowing 500 million second language speakers in the world, English permeates nearly every aspect of global society, from Wall Street and London to the Internet and international governance.And there doesnt appear to be an economist, entrepreneur or linguist on the map who thinks the unstoppable tide of English will do anything but continue to gain momentum. The British Council predicts that the total number of people learning English will exceed 1.9 billion by the year 2020. Thats in addition to the growing population of native speakers, and 2020 is a short four years away.With the evergreen importance of English in business and life, congratu late yourself on reading this article in the worlds most widely-spoken language, but dont stop there. Business English is a rapidly growing field, and rightly so. The way we talk to colleagues and boards of directors bears little resemblance to the language we use in classrooms, cafes and social gatherings.The best way to close tomorrows business dealsThese are eight of the best and most practical languages for the innovators, investors and in-the-know businesswomen and men of the coming years, but it couldnt be further  from an exclusive list.Deciding on the best language for business depends on your particular aspirations, what kind of work youre good at, what youre passionate about and what corner of the world pulls strongest at your itchy feet. It could just as easily be Swahili, French,  Dutch, Japanese or Thai as any of the eight giants above.Learning a language is for life, not just for business. Itll certainly give you a brighter outlook on the job market or in launching you r innovative startup, but dont forget about all the other benefits that come along with it!What matters is that you learn another language and, hopefully, along with it, another culture. Business life went global years ago, and now our personal lives are becoming more and more global by the day, which makes it all the more important to learn a foreign language and become a better participant in global society.Whether your goal is to make it big on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange or to build schools for Urdu-speaking minorities in Hyderabad, it all starts with taking the plunge and a href= is a full-time traveler, obsessive language learner and dedicated language teacher. He writes about language, travel and the many places they meet on the road at his blog Globalect.

5 Steps to Taking Control of Your Time

5 Steps to Taking Control of Your Time 5 Steps to Taking Control of Your Time Unfortunately most students don’t learn until college that studying the night before is not studying in advance. It is crucial that students practice organizational skills and follow an intensive planner starting as early as middle school. The planners help students prepare for and anticipate their upcoming tests, quizzes and assignments and a completed schedule will show the students the reality of time and the necessity of time management. Well-constructed planners also help to bring down a student’s anxiety level once everything is on paper and not floating around in their heads causing confusion.1. Brain dumpBefore you write-down and organize a to-do list, pull out a piece of paper and just start writing everything you need to accomplish. Don’t worry about organizing the tasks just get everything on the paper. 2. Invest in the last planner you will ever useOnce you have everything written down you must invest in a planner and the planner I recommend goes above and beyond the duties of a normal planner. The planner I recommend can be found on Amazon and is called Tools4Wisdom Planner. This planner incorporates monthly planning, goal setting, steps to achieving your goals and much more. Once you have the planner start by picking out the big dates and incorporating them into your planner.3. Set reasonable goals every week and prioritizeAfter filling in your calendar and the big picture of your schedule you can begin looking at your to-do list and choosing which ones to make a priorities and goals for the week. 4. Write down action steps for accomplishing goalsFor each goal write down exactly what steps you will take in order to accomplish that goal in your allotted time frame. This will go in the completion steps box in the lower left hand corner of the page in the picture below.5. Now get to workNow that you know what you have to do and the time frame you have to do it in, it’s time to get to work. Start with the highest priority on your to-do list or with the first step towards the completion of your goal or desired outcome for the week.